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In 2006 I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. The tumour, a very small one, was removed and I was given Radiotherapy. Ten years later I was again suffering breast pain and I realized that I was suffering from the long term side effects of Radiotherapy. I was given no help whatsoever by the medical profession who, in fact, did not believe me and said instead that I was suffering from scar tissue after my breast operation. It was only later when I developed a narrowing of my gullet and had to have Endoscopies to stretch it that they realized that my pain was from the Radiotherapy treatment as narrowing of the gullet is a well-known side effect. They apologised! I had such a small tumour that they could have omitted the radiotherapy altogether.
I spent a small fortune visiting private consultants but nobody could help me although one consultant did give me pain patches which provided some relief. I then discovered CBD oil (Cannabis) which again gave some relief but the pain from the radiation damage was spreading to other parts of my body and I was in so much pain that I seriously considered ending my life.
I realised that no doctor on the earth could help me and indeed I had been told that what I had was incurable. Well, I am a Spiritualist and I know that the next world is very much more advanced in knowledge than our own planet earth. I also know that there are doctors in the next world who wish to continue to use their knowledge and expertise to help those of us still on the earth. One such well-known physician is Dr William Lang. F.R.C.S. a former ophthalmic surgeon from the Middlesex and Moorfields Eye Hospital who died in 1937. With the help of a trance medium (George Chapman) he continued to treat patients on the earth and was joined by his son who was also a surgeon, Dr Basil Lang F.R.C.S. who had sadly died in 1928. Both the father and son as qualified surgeons should of course be addressed as Mr rather than Dr but they thought it was friendlier to their patients if they called themselves Doctor. They are assisted in their operations by a team of other spirit doctors and nurses. There is a healing clinic in Wales run by Michael Chapman, the son of George Chapman. Michael is also a healer and has been trained by Dr Lang. He carried on with the work after his father had passed to the next world.
I contacted Michael and told him my tale of woe and suffering and asked him to arrange for distant healing. As I live in the North of Scotland I was unable to travel to the clinic in Wales for contact healing. Distant Healing was commenced immediately and gradually month by month I improved and today I am almost completely pain free. I cannot believe it! I still get the odd twinge but it is nothing compared to my previous suffering and I hope it will disappear completely with continued healing. There is no charge for the healing but affordable donations are appreciated. I would strongly recommend to anyone, who has been told by doctors, that they are suffering from an incurable illness, that they try distant healing. It is not “Faith Healing”, you do not have to be a Spiritualist and there is nothing evil about contacting the next world.
I would recommend the following two books which tell the story of Dr Lang and his cures.
1. Surgeon from another World. (Kindle edition and hardback available)
by George Chapman and Roy Stemman.
2. Healing Hands by J.Bernard Hutton.
(Mr Hutton was a sceptical and contemptuous journalist who was going blind. He was cured by Dr Lang and wrote this book about his own experience and those of others who were cured by Dr Lang.)
For more information about the Distant Healing, search the internet under where you will find much more information about Michael, his father and both Dr William and Dr Basil Lang, also the address and telephone number of the Healing Sanctuary.
Both the books can by ordered from
I am offering a free copy of my book “Why I am a Spiritualist” to anyone interested. Please contact me by email
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