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There is no doubt that the world and humanity is filled with restlessness and indeed history shows that this world has always been a restless one and that now this is more so that ever, a restless turmoil within the souls of men.
There is hardly a moment without noise, there is hardly a moment without something happening in the outside world to provoke some sort of reaction.
We open a newspaper and the articles and photo's displayed stimulate us into various reactions of horror, disbelief, desire or fear. We hear the grim news on radio and see the same on TV and grow more apprehensive and fearful and despair at the way humanity seems to be losing out to brutality, greed, and lust for power, prestige and wealth regardless of how that wealth is obtained.
We look around at the anonymous faces passing us in the street and grow lonely and isolated because out there are so few smiles, so few expressions of warmth or contentment. Everyone seems to be tightly strapped in and away from his/her natural ease into an unnatural tension. All this leads to one thing, a restlessness that is not only ruining ones physical strength and dissipating mental energy, but that is pushing people further and further away from that center of light and wholeness and harmony which ever shines deep within the soul bringing on a starvation of the spirit.
Of course it becomes ever more difficult to avoid all the external stimuli which lend themselves to this increasing restlessness. It is easy to say; 'well it is a restless world we live in, a world devoid of values, of honesty and integrity and it is impossible to divorce myself from this'. It is easy to justify our own restlessness by seeking to put the blame on the worlds restlessness. And yet, how silly it is to blame the world when it is men and women who make up this world./ It seems to be human weakness to a great extent, that people are seldom able to finish any one thing, to complete any one action with complete , undivided attention. How often does one on awakening to a new day immediately think of the problems, the hassles, barriers and disharmony to be faced for that day so that even before leaving bed one is already laying oneself open to the spectre of negativity. It is seldom that people give themselves completely to being still and serene in the moment and finding a center of peace.
During the day while at work the mind is often involved in negative concerns or speculations and have you ever noticed what seems to determine so often the course of many of our thoughts?? IT IS WHAT OTHERS WILL THINK OF US./ We are so inclined to put ourselves out more for the opinions and judgements of others than for the honest opinion of what we ourselves know to be right. We don't think for ourselves but rather o live by the opinions of others. We allow ourselves to be swayed and influenced by others to the extent that we become afraid to voice our own thoughts in case we should be ridiculed. Living outside oneself like this, allowing oneself to be blown about by the fickle opinions and judgements of others contributes more than anything else to shallow and restless living.
We deny ourselves the freedom to live according to the dictates of our own consciousness. It must be said though that in these times of such explosions in information technology such as facebook and twitter, that huge numbers of people are beginning to assert their opinions and thoughts be they factual, truthful, untruthful or even downright rude and harshly censorial and I suppose that's as it should be. Through restless thought and worry the vital functions of the body suffer sucking up the sap of life. The secret of rest, of perfect mental health lies in keeping the mind one pointed on the task at hand, always buoyant and cheerful, never worried and never allowing oneself to be borne down by fear. While at work ones thought should be absolutely concentrated on it undistracted by anything irrelevant to the matter at hand.
The when ones work is finished it should stop absolutely. The uncompleted task, the unfulfilled action is invariably the mother of worry and anxiety.
Giving oneself wholeheartedly to life as it offers itself every moment is true renunciation for then the world is renounced for the sake of giving oneself without motive, gloom or depression thus infusing that precious moment with cheerfulness and with peace thereby allowing that restful tranquility of the higher God-self to be reflected in ones every thought, word and deed.
Of course all this is not always the case especially when it concerns a husband,
wife or children assailed perhaps by serious illness, loss or impending loss of work or income and the many other dire concerns which assail one in life.
Nevertheless, the more one is able to consciously anchor oneself to those indwelling streams of serenity the easier it becomes so that in time it becomes as natural as breathing and sleeping. Western people especially, on the whole, often wonder at the wisdom and great serenity radiated by Eastern mystics and spiritual Masters and this is because these souls have discovered and fully consciously live on and in these streams of divine love/serenity.
This is mans great heritage and this comprises a great deal of our evolvement
on the ages long journey towards the Godhead.
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