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Does the world acts as a mirror and thus any negative or positive you give out reflect back?
A phrase, more relative to science, springs to mind; ”For every action there is a reaction.” But does this saying have a major bearing on how our lives, and the situations around us, pan out? Many people across the globe believe it does.
The concept of Karma has been in existence since the 1st millennium BC. The philosophy firmly believes in cause and effect, where a positive or negative event creates another similar event, and so on and so forth. Every time you air a wicked thought, even if it is said in jest, there is always someone ready to exclaim “Karma!” So it has managed to stand the tests of time and impact our lives today.
But should this 5 letter word really scare us to such an extent that we change or alter our personalities, and perhaps our wicked sense of humour?
Some Hindu’s believe our lives are influenced by the will of God and therefore; “God is very fair and gives you exactly what you deserve.” So do we deduce that Karma is actually a punishment and reward system? Many religions in the east harbour the notion that you carry your Karma through every life time. Therefore if you were not the most likable being in your last life, chances are you will be punished in your next. Now if you believe in reincarnation this may resonate with you, and may even scare you half to death! What happened to “live and let live” and “everyone deserves a second chance”?
“Compensation and retribution for all the good and evil deeds done on earth” is one of the seven principles set down by the Spiritualists National Union and Pagans also believe that for any malicious act that you undertake it will come back to you threefold, lending rise to the saying “What goes around comes around”
So can this circle of life, this law of the universe, be stopped or altered in any way?
Well, the answer is unclear. There is a slight contradiction between the ancient Karmic laws and ancient scripts. It also depends on how far back you delve into history and which source you consult. It seems that in some beliefs, a guru, as a conduit for God’s work, can actually change the law of Karma. Interesting.
Many holistic therapists, since the emergence of the 2012 global meltdown, are now offering to remove past life Karma. They believe Karma is interwoven in our DNA, which can also be passed down through parents and grandparents, right throughout the ages. For me, and given my own belief in the spirit world, this last point poses a multitude of questions: If we are spirit, and therefore reincarnated over many life times, how can a spirit - which has been housed in different ‘new’ biological forms and is not solely bound to earth or the body in which it inhabits and it is doubtful that the same spirit would choose to be born to the same parents over and over again – have a DNA based Karma? (And breath!) It just does not sit well with me or even make any sense at all.
Lets also look at it on a psychological level. Take superstitions for example. If you believe bad luck will befall on you if you walk under a ladder, are you not then lending, even willing, the theory to be proven? That’s not to say everything you believe in is absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt, true and everything you don’t believe in is complete fabrication, but we all love to say “I told you so” or ”I just knew that would happen.” So there could be some kind of psychological side effect in believing a concept is undoubtably real, which could in turn create fear and an explanation when things go right or wrong.
At the end of the day life is a journey and as long as you can respect yourself for being a (reasonably) good person does any of this really matter?
In my own personal summary;
1) You are your own person.
2) You are the driver of this life.
3) You make your own choices.
4) You have control over your own destiny.
Which brings me nicely onto my final point…………………..
5) You and only YOU can choose to believe or disbelieve in the existence of Karma.
Andrea Elliott
[email protected]
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