The Spirit World
Spooks In Grandma’s House ! (1301) (Global)
By:Jay Gage
Date: Fri,07 Jul 2023
Submitter:Jay Gage
Grandma and Grandpa lived in a 3 bed
semi detached in Feltham, Middx. Running there after being bombed out of their home in St George's Bu......View
Ask an Angel (2762) (Global)
By:The Hutton Schofield Circle
Date: Mon,08 Oct 2018
Submitter:Paul Schofield
Are there children in the spirit world?
Is there such a thing as the astral plane, and what relationship does it have to the earth plane......View
Friends in the spirit world (11827) (Global)
By:Sheila Williams
Date: Thu,03 Nov 2016
Submitter:Sheila W
At times in your life, you reach a place of darkness and it is difficult to come out of it. I have had this myself. A friend of mine died......View
Loser on Earth, Winner in Heaven (14905) (Norfolk)
By:Gabriel Magma
Date: Fri,29 Apr 2016
Submitter:Elaine Harrison
An extract from Loser on Earth, Winner in Heaven - a novel that unveils the mysteries of incarnation.
The Tunnel
You've heard about ......View
The Magic of Spirit (74833) (Global)
By:Harold- Sharon Bengalrose
Date: Wed,16 Dec 2015
Submitter:Sharon Bengalrose
Go back to that time in your life when you have seen a magician, a film about magic or read a book and never forgotten that magical moment,......View
Invisible Friends (24702) (Global)
By:Elizabeth Francis
Date: Sat,05 Jul 2014
Submitter:Elizabeth Francis
From the time we are born, we receive messages from Spirit via our invisible friends. These messages no only help us live our lives, but al......View
In Transit (33738) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Mon,05 May 2014
Submitter:Richard Rowley
We are in transit here, living on earth temporarily in a mortal physical body and brain. Our immortal soul brought us here to learn a......View
Develop Your Psychic Skills (13988) (Global)
By:Lisa Elsworth
Date: Wed,30 Apr 2014
Submitter:L Elsworth
If you are wanting to develop your psychic skills there are lots of ways you can go about this. For example reading books, articles or even......View
Mystery spirit lady (11410) (Global)
By:Peggy Weber
Date: Thu,30 May 2013
Submitter:Peggy Weber Spirit Links
Whilst on a visit to my daughter in Felixstowe, my sister and I were building a Fairy Garden or 'magical place' for my six year old Grand D......View
Nothing But the Truth (part two) (23290) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Thu,23 May 2013
Submitter:Richard Rowley
Why mediums make mistakes is a paradox which occurs when any of us are in touch with the spirit world, not just mediums. The fact that onl......View
Mediumship - A Too General Word! (27375) (Global)
By:Wendy Stokes
Date: Thu,04 Apr 2013
Submitter:Wendy Stokes
I am a medium but I do not give people messages from their loved ones in Spirit. The word 'mediumship' encompasses the healing arts, channe......View
NEW Amazing orbs caught in motion (7768) (Global)
Date: Sat,12 Jan 2013
Submitter:Peggy Weber
Hi all
I would like to share my new way of filming orbs. I have now set up a video camera to capture the wonderful way orbs interact wi......View
Spiritual Attachment ( Obsession) (14408) (Global)
By:Allan Kardec (GAS)
Date: Wed,28 Mar 2012
Submitter:Elsa Rossi
Obsession (Spiritual Attachment) is the persistent action which an inferior or bad Spirit exercises over an individual. It may present man......View
The Transformation of an Ex-Offender (9029) (Global)
By:Roosevelt ("Shahid") Williamson
Date: Wed,28 Sep 2011
Submitter:Kanya Vashon McGhee/Norman L. McGhee, Jr.
Enclosed is a letter from a Prison Inmate illustrating our 40 year effort to improve America.
It's SO SIMPLE yet mainly unrecognized ......View
Truth from another world (9450) (Essex)
Date: Fri,16 Sep 2011
Submitter:Joseph Starman
“Joseph is here” again friends with more understanding and one of
“My spiritual messages” But before I write some more I wish to tell you......View
The World Beyond Part 37 (6618) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Sun,24 Oct 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
Here are more accounts by Caroline Larsen of her journeys out of the body to meet varous earthbound spirits who were intermingling with but......View
The World Beyond Part 35 (6360) (Essex)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Wed,20 Oct 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
Higher Education, Factories and Civil Engineering in the Spirit World. The eternal nature of the soul.
In Chapter VI, during a visi......View
The World Beyond Part 34 (7026) (Essex)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Tue,19 Oct 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
The World Beyond Part 34. Primary Education in the Spirit World. A message from Henry Sidgwick. A further review of the journeys Bert......View
The World Beyond Part 33 (7128) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Tue,12 Oct 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
Scientific explanations of the World Beyond impossible to grasp. Young children growing up in the World Beyond. Spirit clothing. Natural ......View
The World Beyond Part 31 (6608) (International)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Fri,24 Sep 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
The difference between experiencing and realizing. Bertha Harris pays several visits to the World Beyond while on the operating table.
The World Beyond Part 30 (7866) (International)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Sun,29 Aug 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
The World Beyond (30) Leslie Flint, Richard Zenor, Aivanhov, Swedenborg and Hamlin Garland about the reality of the spirit worlds.
The World Beyond (29) (7090) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Tue,24 Aug 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
Lord Northcliffe's view of the World Beyond (29)
It is paradoxical that those communicating from the Other Side are telling us that ......View
The World Beyond (28) (7356) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Tue,24 Aug 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
The World Beyond (28) The researcher's account continues.
"After the celestial plane we pass to the cosmic or universal sphere. In thi......View
The World Beyond (27) (7535) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Tue,24 Aug 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
(27) More about the Life Beyond by those who are now living there.
Most books about life after death are written by those who have......View
The World Beyond (26) (6754) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Tue,24 Aug 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
The World Beyond (14) Another former researcher communicates about the afterlife.
A few personal comments, and then another researcher g......View
The World Beyond (25) (9690) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Tue,24 Aug 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
Maurice Barbanell communicates.. The World Beyond (25)
Paul Beard was also present for 28 sittings in London between 1982 and 1986 wi......View
The World Beyond (24) (7014) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Tue,24 Aug 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
The World Beyond (24) Dr. Peebles and Raynor Johnson.
There is nothing new in the communications we have been looking at, both in t......View
The World Beyond (23) (6358) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Tue,24 Aug 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
The World Beyond (23)
More from Albert Pauchard on the Other Side, and Frederic Myers.
PAUCHARD [talking to his wife Antionette] -......View
The World Beyond (22) (7048) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Tue,24 Aug 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
What to call the Other Place. The World Beyond (22) described by those living there. Albert Pauchard.
Thanks to the many readers wh......View
The World Beyond (21) (7346) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Tue,24 Aug 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
A Vacation. Going through Heaven and Hell without even realising it. The World Beyond (21)
Compiling this series has been like tak......View
The World Beyond (20) (6818) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Tue,24 Aug 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
Our Spiritual Heritage. The World Beyond (20) Building a Temple
There is a vast spiritual inheritance and heritage supporting us wh......View
The World Beyond (19) (7312) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Tue,24 Aug 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
World Beyond (19) The churches are withholding information about the afterlife. Vale Owen.
Out-of-body and near-death exper......View
The World Beyond (18) (7389) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Tue,24 Aug 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
Travel Journals from the World Beyond (18)
This is not fiction. These are travel pieces written or communicated by those still living o......View
The World Beyond (17) (113046) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Tue,24 Aug 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
The Real World Beyond
More descriptions of the Future Life in spirit.
The spirit of a once famous man, after describing his initi......View
The World Beyond Part 16 (7658) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Mon,23 Aug 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
A palace is materialized.. The World Beyond (16) East meets West
No science or religion needs to explain the philosophy of life since ......View
The World Beyond Part 15 (7568) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Wed,11 Aug 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
The World Beyond (15) Reaching for the Stars. Final communications from Frances Banks
FRANCES - The psychic and the spiritu......View
The World Beyond Part 14 (6750) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Wed,11 Aug 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
The World Beyond (14) Progress in the world beyond
Frances Banks continues to talk about her rescuer work.
Frances Banks had oth......View
The World Beyond Part 13 (6345) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Wed,11 Aug 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
Conversation with an earthbound policeman killed by a terrorist The World Beyond (13) and Rescue Work.
Seeking revenge retards the soul......View
The World Beyond Part 12 (7210) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Wed,11 Aug 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
The World Beyond (12) Rescue work with Frances Banks, and Harold Sherman.
More that one person has commented to me that if we all sur......View
The World Beyond Part 11 (7130) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Wed,11 Aug 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
Explorers on both sides of the veil. Telepathy a universal means of communication. Harold Sherman, Sir Hubert Wilkins and Gladys Childs.......View
The World Beyond Part 10 (6938) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Tue,10 Aug 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
The World Beyond (10) Last words from Raymond Lodge.
As Raymond explained in the previous excerpt, spirits watch us writing and commun......View
The World Beyond Part 9 (6904) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Tue,10 Aug 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
Life Beyond (23) More from Raymond
Raymond continued to communicate with his family, providing detailed evidence that it really was h......View
Thw World Beyond Part 8 (7405) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Tue,10 Aug 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
Subject: The World Beyond (22) Raymond visits a higher plane
Raymoind continued to communicate at family circles and at sittings with......View
The World Beyond Part 7 (7562) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Tue,10 Aug 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
Bertha Harris visits the World Beyond (7)
More communications from Raymond Lodge.
Most people delay thinking about dying until the......View
Life in the World Beyond Part 6 (6461) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Tue,10 Aug 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
Oliver and Raymond Lodge. Life Beyond (6) Raymond wants to encourage people to look forward to the certainty of a rational Life Beyond......View
Life Beyond Part 5 (6593) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Tue,10 Aug 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
Raymond Lodge's World Life Beyond (5)
Every communicator, - friend, relative or stranger - from the World of Spirit tells us someth......View
The Life and World Beyond Part 4 (6454) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Tue,10 Aug 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
Life Beyond (18)
Description of the Life Beyond from Raymond Lodge.
Popular belief is that researchers like Oliver Lodge and Conan ......View
The Life Beyond Part 3 (16246) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Tue,10 Aug 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
Inner Space (3)
More descriptions of The Life Beyond. What to call Heaven or Kingdom Come
Since this is a group for open discussion, p......View
Life Beyond Death Part 2 (7106) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Mon,09 Aug 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
Inner Space (2) Moving into the Life Beyond Death. Science and Religion are still ignoring the obvious facts.
As soon as we try to t......View
Do We Listen To Spirit (7166) (Global)
By:David Wharmby
Date: Thu,15 Oct 2009
Submitter:David Wharmby
Circles, demonstrations and other forms of gatherings in which we were guaranteed Spirit would put in an appearance has fascinated and even......View
The Evolution of the Soul (8810) (Essex)
Date: Wed,10 Dec 2008
What variety of souls incarnate here in regards to their spiritual lineage?
In the truest reality there is only one soul….however that o......View
On Death (9590) (Essex)
By:Richard Yates
Date: Wed,15 Oct 2008
Submitter:Richard Yates
You need to look outside the box where death is concerned, and by this I mean the death of your physical body you're using, isn't the death......View
Sleep and Dreams (9277) (Global)
By:Allan Kardec
Date: Tue,14 Oct 2008
Submitter:Elsa Rossi
Sleep and Dreams
Extract from The Spiritis’ Book, by Allan Kardec
400. Does the incarnated spirit reside willingly in his corporeal e......View
Life after death (9685) (Lancashire)
By:Alison Kynaston Jones
Date: Sun,05 Oct 2008
Submitter:Alison Kynaston Jones
I take great comfort in the absolute knowledge that when we die we are met by our loved ones.
Let me recount something that happened a fe......View
Is there a Hell? (10385) (Global)
By:Michael Evans
Date: Sun,31 Aug 2008
Submitter:Michael Evans
Some ancients scriptures describe Heaven and Hell in great detail but there is little accept......View
Saved By Her Cat - Spirit Rescue (10130) (Global)
By:Michael Evans
Date: Wed,30 Jul 2008
Submitter:Mike Evans
From the rescue group
helped by her cat.
Communication to a spirit person who needs the help
of a rescue circle to help move them into......View
Helmut Makes his Confession (9442) (Global)
By:Mike Evans
Date: Wed,25 Jun 2008
Submitter:Mike Evans
Helmut Makes His Confession
Spirit communicates via home rescue circle.
Helmut was a high-ranking Nazi officer in Hitler’s Germany.
Spirit and Dreams (13183) (Essex)
By:T. Stokes
Date: Wed,13 Feb 2008
Submitter:T. Stokes
Many ask, how can you tell with a night time experience, whether it is just a dream, an astral experience or when is it a genuine nocturnal......View
Date: Tue,29 Jan 2008
The following paragraphs are taken from chapter eight of the online book "Afterlife101". The answers have been channeled through a medium v......View
The After Life (274988) (Global)
Date: Sun,20 Jan 2008
The following paragraphs are taken from the online book "Afterlife101". The answers have been channeled through a medium via their spirit g......View