Geoffrey A. Hoppe was born in Appleton, Wisconsin, the third of seven children in a Catholic family. He enlisted in the U.S. Army after graduating from high school in 1973. He was assigned to the National Aeronautical and Space Administration, where he spent 2-1/2 years as a Public Information Specialist at NASA/Ames Research Center, Mountain View, California. His interest in spirituality and metaphysics started here when he hypnotized a friend for “fun.” While in a trance state the friend began to recount a series of previous lifetimes. Geoffrey immersed himself into the study of metaphysics and religion for the next several years.
His spiritual journey was all but forgotten for nearly 20 years with the demands of his business career. Geoffrey worked for several advertising agencies and manufacturing companies in the Midwest and Texas in senior marketing positions. At age 28 he started a marketing consulting company in Dallas, Texas, operating it for 12 years with industrial and high tech clients throughout the United States. In addition to the marketing agency, he co-founded several other business ventures including an aviation telecommunications company where he served as Vice President of Sales and Marketing until 2001. Geoff holds two U.S. patents and one international patent for telecommunications technologies, and numerous trademarks and copyrights.
His spiritual journey was renewed in 1995 when an acquaintance gave him a copy of Kryon Book I: The End Times by Lee Carroll. After experiencing several mystical insights, Geoff contacted Lee and soon the two became friends and business associates.
Tobias first presented himself to Geoffrey in 1997 during an airplane flight. Having never studied the Bible, Geoffrey was not familiar with Tobias or the apocryphal Book of Tobit. He learned later of the biblical story of Tobias. The two “talked” for nearly a year before Geoffrey brought Tobias through for another person. For the next year and a half, he worked with a psychologist conducting private sessions for clients who were open to new spiritual potentials. Tobias provided deep insights into their past lives and current challenges.
Through the experience of working with many clients Geoff became familiar and comfortable with the energy and presence of Tobias. Geoffrey founded the Crimson Circle in 1999. It quickly developed an international audience, with hundreds of local study groups and over 100,000 visitors per month to the web site.
Geoffrey began dating Linda Benyo in high school, and they were married in 1977. They have been partners in life and business ever since. They live in the mountains outside of Golden, Colorado, where they manage the Crimson Circle.
My Articles
Fri,13 Mar 2009
Geoffrey A. Hoppe was born in Appleton, Wisconsin, the third of seven children in a Catholic family. He enlisted in the U.S. Army after graduating from high school in 1973. He was assigned to the Nati...Read More
Wed,11 Mar 2009
And so it is, dear Shaumbra. It is the best of times and it is the worst of times. (laughter). It is the age of wisdom and it is the age of foolishness.
Let us take a deep breath.
It ...Read More
Wed,11 Feb 2009
Namaste-e-e-e-e! (audience laughter) Namaste, Shaumbra! (audience responds, “Namaste!”) Namaste, Shaumbra-a-a-a! (audience repeats, “Namaste!” louder) It is I, Master Kuthumi, and I wouldn’t miss thi...Read More
Fri,09 Jan 2009
And so it is, dear Shaumbra, time for questions and answers. I had a lengthy part of discussion left, but we see that there are many, many, many questions today, so I’ll save it for next time.
One...Read More
Thu,08 Jan 2009
And so it is, dear Shaumbra. We gather together in this safe and sacred space, in this energy of Shaumbra and Spirit and all that was, all that is going to come to be. And what was is no more. What yo...Read More
Mon,10 Nov 2008
Q&A put to guide Tobias channelled by Geoffrey Hoppe
Linda: Autism is becoming more and more prevalent. What’s the cause?
TOBIAS: There are a number of causes for autism, and this...Read More
Fri,08 Aug 2008
And so it is – and it has been – nine incredible years of melding our energies together, of putting together this beautiful thing we call the Shoud – your consciousness, your awareness melded with the...Read More
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