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I first met my gate keeper a few years ago.
Although at that time I did not know who or what a gatekeeper was.
I was deep In meditation one night when suddenly I found myself at the bottom of a cliff. I made my way up to find a beautiful round marble building, situated in gardens with a fountain and the amazing scents of Honeysuckle and Jasmine.
I made my way up the marble stair case, the steps warm from the beaming sunshine. Once at the top I stood at a huge oak door. I pushed the door and it flew open.
Images flashed before my eyes of my whole life. My childhood, my graduation, first love, the love of my grandmother. I was transported to a huge field.
I walked across the field and came to a large tree. I sat under the tree and felt the sun beating down on my face. It was sheer peace. I then Opened my eyes to see a large man. He had the most beautiful eyes, long hair and olive skin. His eyes shone like mini universes.
He sat with me and told me his name lazeroux.
A few meditations later....
I met Lazeroux each time, he showed me a great library and how to access the Akashic records.
Each time we met I would learn a new mystery from how to manifest with ease, to discussing my life path, and to altering my energy to align me closer to my higher self and my soul path.
I asked him who he was, he did not answer I found my self calling him gatekeeper- he smiled.
I have since disco
vered that your gate keeper can help you to:
- Meditate between realities
- Help you manifest
- Change your soul contract if you feel that a cycle of learning has ended and you are ready to move to the next cycle early.
- Help you to access your Akashic records.
Amongst many other things!
I am now helping others to discover their gatekeeper. This has truly changed my connection with the universe, it is stronger.
Your gatekeeper is not an angel, or ascended master. But is a spiritual being from the past who has died and chosen his or her next role to help us on earth to ascend. The gatekeepers are closely matched to our own personalities and life paths and so understand out trials and tribulations on a personal level.
Finding out about your gatekeeper (who has been with you from birth) is a wonderful experience I would recommend to all!
If you would like guidance In discovering your gatekeeper contact me at
Or visit us at
And discover more about your soul path and your gatekeeper!
Love, life and happiness xxx
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