Michael Reccia Interview
Michael G. Reccia, talks about his life and work as a trance medium in this interview with Grayling Barraclough.
Michael has worked as a professional medium for over 25 years and firmly believes that the true importance of spirit communication is not simply to prove evidence of life after death but to provide a blueprint for a better life before death through channelled spiritual teachings that will make a difference to this World. Michael regards the Joseph communications as his most important contribution to spiritual awareness to date.
Joseph is a highly evolved spirit guide who is deeply worried about the fate of mankind and returns give us spiritual information from the higher realms regarding both personal and global enlightenment. Joseph’s trilogy of books contains all the information we need to transform ourselves and save our planet before it is too late:
REVELATION: JOSEPH’S MESSAGE answers the question about who we really are and why the world is such a negative place.
ILLUMINATION: JOSEPH’S VISION is a practical guide as to what we can do spiritually to change our world.
TRANSFORMATION: YOUR LIFE AFTER DEATH gives a detailed description of life in the spiritual realms and the consequences of our thoughts and actions whilst on Earth.
Further information, excerpts and sample chapters can be found on:
My Articles
Fri,10 Jun 2011
In this comprehensive guide to the afterlife the spirit guide, Joseph, answers life’s BIGGEST QUESTION…
* Where will I go and how will I get there?
* Will I be re...Read More
Wed,18 Aug 2010
Michael Reccia Interview
Michael G. Reccia, talks about his life and work as a trance medium in this interview with Grayling Barraclough.
Michael has worked as a professional medium for o...Read More
Sun,31 Jan 2010
Channelled by Michael G. Reccia.
A powerful new spiritual manual for personal and global transformation.
(Check out Joseph's channelled message underneath this article)
Discove...Read More
Thu,12 Mar 2009
By Michael G. Reccia
Over Michael’s many years serving as a channel for spirit, he found the same questions cropping up time and again from those earnestly seeking greater spiritual insight. This b...Read More
Thu,20 Nov 2008
The Graduate – An Illustrative Story by Michael G. Reccia
The graduate was a brilliant man...
He had gained a first class honours degree in Graphic Design.
Why, then, he wondered, was ...Read More
Thu,20 Nov 2008
Revelation: Joseph’s Message by Michael G. Reccia
At last:
– A spiritual book with bite.
– With a practical, concise scientific approach to spirituality.
– With a crucial message for human...Read More
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